Resugar is the pioneer of the first all-natural, 1:1 sugar substitute that actually tastes and behaves like real sugar – without the harm.
Contact usResugar – Reinventing Sugar
The sweet life has arrived
Served in over 1 million sweet treats
Why Resugar?
It tastes good. Really.
In a blind taste test conducted by New Sense Research, 58% of consumers preferred Resugar’s vanilla ice cream over Ben & Jerry’s vanilla ice cream.
It’s just like sugar
– 1:1 replacement
That means you can replace sugar 1:1, saving your team’s time and efforts while providing direct health benefits to your consumers.
Win the label war.
With Resugar, food manufacturers can avoid adding artificial sweeteners to the ingredients list and will be exempt from using sugar-added labels, boosting customer confidence while producing delicious foods.
A Delicious & Easy Clean-Label Solution
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Have Your Cake – And Eat It Too.
When choosing a sugar substitute, every company wants the best for their business and customers.
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